
Critical theory in adult education practice: empowerment for critical actions (MIND)

Relization time: 01/12/2023 24 till 30/11/2025

Erasmus+ Action Type KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education. 
Project number 2023-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000153426


  1. Lietuvos suaugusiuju svietimo asociacija
  3. Education Development Center, Latvia
  4. Latvian Adult Education Association, Latvia
  5. Ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih Dante, Croatia
  6. Pucko otvoreno uciliste Libar,  Croatia
  8. Asociatia Egomundi, Romania

The project aims to improve the competences of adult educators by fostering critical thinking (CT) among adult learners so that they can apply it in their daily professional and community life and make a meaningful contribution to their own well-being, that of others and that of all.

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Atbalsts izaugsmei (Support for Growth)

Relization time: 01/12/2023 - 30/07/2024

The aim of the project ‘Support for Growth’ (2023.LV/NVO_UKR/17)  is to perfect the knowledge and skills of Ukrainian civilians (including young people), who are fleeng Russian military aggression in Ukraine, to integrate into Latvian society by providing practical and psychological support measures and continuity of Latvian language lessons in higher levels of language skills as a foundation for socioeconomic integration and growth in Latvian society.

The project ‘Support for Growth’ is being implemented within the framework of the program of Non-Governmental Organizations Activities for the Support of Ukrainian Civilians of the Society Integration Fund (SIF), the program aims to support the continuation of the NGO’s activities in supporting the Ukrainian civilians aim of at the country border. The funding of the program is available from the funds of the Thematic Mechanism Emergency Assistance (“Emergency Assistance”) Project No. HOME-2022-AMIF-AG-EMAS-TF1-LV-0012 – UA-SUP of Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

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SaRuNa LV - ConVersaTion LV or To come to an understanding, to speak for future in Latvia

Relization time: 01/08/2023 - 31/01/2026

The Education Development Centre continues working with third-country nationals by organising Latvian language courses and conversation clubs.

Purpose of the project “SaRuNaLV or To come to an understanding, to speak for future in Latvia”, No. PMIF/13.2./2023/1/02, is to organise Latvian language courses and conversation clubs for citizens of third-countries by expanding the availability of possibilities of acquirement of Latvian language and adapting them to the needs of various groups.

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To live in Latvia 2024

Relization time: 01.05.2024.- 31. 12.2024.

From the spring of 2022, IAC has been actively engaging in providing support to the civilians of Ukraine, their families and young people by organising activities for acquaintance of Latvian language, Latvia and support of various kind. IAC searches for various funds to provide the Ukrainian war refugees with the possibility to feel better and settle in. This is already the project number five for this target group, its goal is to implement a programme of cultural orientation courses and events of integration which would contribute to integration of the civilians of Ukraine into the Latvian society and cooperation with the representatives of the local communities.

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To live in Latvia 2023

Relization time: 01/08/2023 - 31/12/2023

Since the spring of 2022, the Education Development Centre (EDC) has been actively engaging in supporting the Ukrainian civilians, their family members and youth by organising various activities for the acquisition of Latvian language. By attracting various funds, in 2022, approximately 350 Ukrainian civilians were provided with the opportunity to learn Latvian, including adults, students and youth. The project “To live in Latvia 2023” (No. 2023.LV/UKR_KO/05) provides various educational activities for the Ukrainian civilians in 2023. Within the framework of the project, opportunities will be provided to look into and become acquainted with various topics required for a better life in Latvia (history, culture and values of Latvia; public administration and rule of law, education, society and daily life, participation in the activities of local community etc.), as well as to get acquainted in practice with the cultural life of Latvia and provide support for the Ukrainian students in the schools of Latvia.

Goal of the project is to implement the cultural orientation courses and measures that could facilitate integration of the Ukrainian civilians in Latvia and enhance cooperation with the local community. 

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