Erasmus+ Action Type KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education.
Project number 2023-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000153426
- Lietuvos suaugusiuju svietimo asociacija
- Education Development Center, Latvia
- Latvian Adult Education Association, Latvia
- Ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih Dante, Croatia
- Pucko otvoreno uciliste Libar, Croatia
- Asociatia Egomundi, Romania
The project aims to improve the competences of adult educators by fostering critical thinking (CT) among adult learners so that they can apply it in their daily professional and community life and make a meaningful contribution to their own well-being, that of others and that of all.
This project objectives: 1.) Provide evidence of CT presence (and non-presence) and importance for adult education by developing: Compendium of most relevant scientific literature, tailored to adult educators; Executive Summary of adult education documents/programs in partner countries; Recommendations for Adult education policy; 2.) Provide clear guidance on how CT can be developed and practiced by elaborating: science and practice informed Methodical Model to be used in various adult education settings and contexts; Program for adult educators and Toolkit to be used for work with adult learners; 3.) Provide opportunity to practice CT and improve digital skills in adult education organizations and communities by: developing training program and materials; delivering training/workshops; 4.) Foster CT teaching and learning by developing engaging digital teaching-learning, e.g. using WebQuests; 5.) Share project results and lessons learned among partnership, local communities, respective audience at national and international contexts via: mutual learning and direct communication, hands-on activities, websites, newsletters, FB, EPALE, and other relevant means.
The 1stKick - off meeting in Vilnius
On 23 - 24 January, 2024 in Vilnius was held the 1st project partner meeting, which was organized by Lithuania Adult Education Association. The partnership of the project represented all 8 organizations from 4 European countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia and Romania. Each country is represented by 2 organizations, one expert organization in the field of CT education and the other in the field of adult education. The 8 organizations include private non-profit NGOs, public organization, non-formal adult education institutions and associations, a university. Project partners work with diverse groups of adults - school and university teachers, parents, librarians, seniors, migrants.
During the meeting, all partners presented their institutions and organizations, emphasized activities for adult education and discussed the main concepts: the necessity of critical thinking in non-formal adult education (AE). All activities were reviewed, showing the relationship between them:
- Researching and modelling (analysis of scientific literature in the field of critical thinking, analysis of strategical documents and non - formal AE programs in CT context)
- Evidence based modelling, during which a methodical CT model for AE will be developed
- First steps of dissemination: project FB, partners websites and social media
- Newsletter, 4 presentations in conferences in each partner country as well as
- Sharing on international, national, local and community levels.
The meeting also discussed the primary target group of the project, which is adult educators working with different groups of adult learners. They will be involved in the development and testing of the project outcomes, and will work with adult learners in their organizations/networks. The secondary target group will be the adult learners with whom the adult educators will work, and who will test some of the activities and provide feedback on their effectiveness.