Interests unite – we are completing activities within the project “Living in Latvia”

Interests unite – we are completing activities within the project “Living in Latvia”

29/12/2020 / Publiced by: IAC

December was intense and active in the project: after a complete reorientation to entirely remote studies and communication, four Latvian language groups, i. e. 61 third-country nationals, completed 120 hours of classes, and two integration course groups (44 participants in total) completed 20 hours of classes and attended two integration events (44 participants). 

The distance education implies different learning specifics, time and content planning, and the IAC team is satisfied with its work on re-planning the courses and thanks all the Latvian language and integration course teachers who invested their time and professional skills in order to ensure quality classes and conversations. Due to limitations, the integration events also had to be rescheduled: the participants were offered the opportunity to visit museums of their choice individually, having previously received a single task, and to join the museum discussions on the Zoom platform. The participants are happy to share their emotions in online conversations, and some express a desire to revisit the symbolism exhibition at the National Museum of Art. As part of the integration events, a virtual guided tour of the Old Town of Riga was also offered, which was especially important for Belarusian citizens who have recently arrived in the country and are currently observing self-isolation. We thank Sergey Ivashchenko for this opportunity, who told stories unknown even to us, long-term residents of Riga, and let us look at the city from different viewpoints.

December was a busy month for the event organisers but it gave us the opportunity to make sure that even in today’s world full of restrictions, we can contact each other and become good friends within a few days, meeting only in virtual classes. Common topics and interests unite!

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At the end of the project “Living in Latvia”, we have summarised the results:

  • 106 third-country nationals have completed a 20-hour integration programme;
  • more than 180 participants have been involved in the integration events proposed in the project;
  • 83 third-country nationals have completed a 120-hour Latvian language course; 20 people have passed the state language proficiency examination and obtained a certificate of A2 and A1 level.


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Mācības notiek Izglītības attīstības centra projekta "Dzīvot Latvijā" (Nr. PMIF/8/2019/3/02) ietvaros Eiropas Savienības Patvēruma, migrācijas un integrācijas fonda 2014.-2020. gada plānošanas perioda ietvaros ar Eiropas Savienības (75%) un Latvijas valsts budžeta (25%) finansējumu. Projekta kopējās izmaksas  74 644,24 eiro.