Positive experience of the course participants for the acquisition of the Latvian language
People who learn another language always have one question on their mind – how to acquire it faster and more effectively? In order to find out the positive experience of the course participants gained from learning of the Latvian language, they participated in a survey and had to answer the following question: “How do you learn the Latvian language at home?”
The course participants emphasize that:
- They use different websites intended for the acquisition of languages and which are free of charge. The most frequently mentioned is the portal developed by the Latvian language agency (Latviešu valodas aģentūras (LVA)) ,,Māci un mācies’’; available to all those interested: http://maciunmacies.valoda.lv/valodas-apguve/e-nodarbibas#tab2.
In addition we would like to inform the people who are learning the Latvian language that recently LVA has added a diversified self-learning tool for the acquisition of A1 and A2 language levels „e-Laipa”, the material is available: https://elaipa.lv/Home/A1
- They listen to radio advertisements, weather forecasts, and announcements in Latvian.
- They watch serials with subtitles.
- They use the opportunity to speak Latvian in the shop, market, café and other places.
- They read children’s books and magazines, for instance ,,Ilustrētā junioriem’’/ Illustrated for juniors/.
- They learn the Latvian language together with their children.
Only regular practice helps to consolidate and improve the language skills. Therefore, it is important to find a way, how to learn with joy. May you succeed in your learning!