Evaluation for the Latvian language courses
In May of this year, 108 third-country nationals have completed their studies in Latvian language groups. The training took place remotely and in different level (A and B) groups. In May, within the framework of the project, we gave an opportunity to 25 participants at A level and 32 participants at B level to take the state language proficiency test. At the end of May and the beginning of June, we already started the next 7 remote groups for third-country nationals, who will study until the end of August. By then, they will have studied for 120 hours and taken their Latvian language skills to the next level. Stay active in the summer and good luck to everyone!
Analysing the course evaluation questionnaires submitted by the participants, it can be concluded that ~ 92% of the participants are fully satisfied with the courses, 5% are partially satisfied, 3% are not satisfied. 74 participants have been involved in the evaluation for the course. We have read a lot of words of thanks to the teachers and course organizers in the questionnaires. We have drawn attention to the section “Students' suggestions for improving this course”.

After summarizing the recommendations of the students, it has to be concluded that the recommendations are mainly expressed in relation to the duration and intensity of the courses, the organization of the study process (methodology), the organization of the study process remotely or in person and the possibility to choose a teacher.
Course time planning and intensity
Respondents have different opinions – some of them want to study longer, at a slower pace, others suggest organizing courses more dynamically to complete their studies in a shorter period of time and go faster to the next level of the language proficiency. There are suggestions for scheduling, when to start and end classes.
- Perhaps, it would be possible to organize classes more often (for example, four or five times a week). It would be more difficult, but faster.
- I suggest studying twice a week to make the language learning process longer, as there is a lot of material.
- In order to strengthen the acquired study material, additional classes could be organized once a week or one-day classes could be dedicated only to repetition.
- I suggest planning a free week every month or a month and a half, because it is really hard to attend courses three times a week.
- I would like the classes to start at 6 p.m., as this would be a great benefit to those working until 5 p.m.
- I have three children. So, I would like to attend courses during the day.
- Three times a week and in the evenings – perfect time planning.
Organization of the study process in the context of the chosen study content and methodology
Respondents recommend using more video and audio materials in classes, watching art films with subtitles in Latvian. The recommendation on organizing work in pairs and small groups for distance learning is important. Most of the suggestions are related to the opportunities to improve speaking skills in the learning process.
- To develop more speaking skills through the use of dialogues and work in small groups using video and audio materials.
- To talk more, to practise. To provide more practical real-life communication situations.
- It would be good if the classes had the opportunity to watch films with Latvian subtitles. Such films are hard to find.
- I wish everyone to be given equal attention by the teacher during classes.
Organizing the learning process remotely or in person
Course participants have different learning experiences – some of them find it easier to study face-to-face, others emphasize the positive aspects of distance learning. This is confirmed by the following answers:
- In general, I was satisfied with everything, however, I would love to study together with the teacher and group members.
- To my mind it would be better to study in person, because then there is a greater opportunity to participate in conversations and discussions, to ask questions and get answers.
- I really like the online Latvian language courses. My result in distance learning is always better than learning in class.
- It's just great to learn online! I can attend all classes!
- I enjoy studying online, because I have the opportunity to participate even when I am not in Latvia.
We say thank you to everyone for your suggestions! We will take them into account, in particular recommendations regarding the promotion of language skills. It is always possible to improve the learning process.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to implement all the recommendations, because we comply with the epidemiological recommendations set in our country, as well as we coordinate individual wishes within the group. In general, we also appreciate the “values” and innovations which have already been tested in practice. Certainly, in the future people will be given the choice to study Latvian both in person (whenever possible) and remotely, as well as we will offer both morning and evening classes, as well as offer immigrants the opportunity to study together with third-country nationals from other countries – we see this as a resource in the language learning process.