We learn together, we learn remotely …
This year in the middle of January and February, the acquisition of the state language was launched in 8 groups of the project “Living in Latvia - learning the Latvian language (2nd stage)”. The studies were organised in the usual rhythm: classes take place in the concrete place and at the concrete time in Riga and Jelgava; the course participants arrive to the classes and learn, the teachers conduct the whole teaching/learning process – they teach, explain, support and help. This was the regular landscape of the study process until mid-March when the virus Covid-19 reached Latvia and the emergency situation was introduced in the country.
This was a challenge. There was worry at the beginning, what will happen now? A new situation that requires solutions we do not have in our experience.

Now, when the work is finished in 7 groups, we can conclude that the decision to move to transfer in the emergency remote learning has been the right one. Until the beginning of May, 81 third country nationals completed the Latvian language courses (120 hours), 28 participants on B level of the language acquisition, 53 – A level.
The results of the evaluation questionnaire show that the participants are fully content (90% of responses) with the remote learning process and its outcomes. The results of the diagnostic works are also better that expected. The participants are ready to start acquiring the Latvian language on a new level and participate in the meetings of the Latvian language support group remotely. There were still doubts in the middle of March whether it is possible to learn the Latvian language in A level groups remotely. Now we have the proof – yes, it is possible.
What is the success? First of all, huge thank you goes to the teachers who acquired the new skills to work in different e-platforms, prepared materials, conducted lessons, consulted and supported the participants. Thank you for the courage and willingness to overcome this challenge how to handle the misunderstandings, technical failures during the classes. Thank you to course participants who were able to switch, to stay involved and encourage teachers during the remote learning process.
The project team, too, has gained experience during the remoted learning; it has become aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the process, and the analysis of the results allows concluding that when organizing such work again the following needs to be considered:
- To give concrete instructions to teachers about organizing the teaching/learning process and the follow-up on the work;
- To ensure the course participants with the information and support;
- To organize the learning in one e-platform for all groups.
It was not easy, yet, there is great satisfaction that working all together we succeeded!
Projekts (Nr.PMIF/6/2018/2/02) tiek īstenots no 2019.gada 1.janvāra līdz 2020.gada 31.decembrim Eiropas Savienības Patvēruma, migrācijas un integrācijas fonda 2014.-2020. gada plānošanas perioda ietvaros ar Eiropas Savienības (75%) un Latvijas valsts budžeta (25%) finansējumu.