
The Education Development Centre (EDC), is the leading non-profit nongovernmental organization in Latvia in the field of professional development.

The mission of the EDC is to promote further development of an educated, democratic society in Latvia by promoting the professional capacity, competitiveness, cooperation and civic participation skills of each individual.

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EDC implemented its activities in the following directions: civic education; intercultural education; inclusive education, development education and development cooperation, development of critical thinking for promoting diversity; professional development courses; support to socially marginalized groups; participation in the state policy development processes; participation in developing the education policy; the international cooperation and promoting the sharing of experiences; the increasing of management and technical capacity;  the attraction of funding; promoting the accessibility of information and identification. 
In recent years EDC has actively participated in developing the recommendations for the Guidelines on Development Education 2008-2015, developed by LAPAS (Latvian platform for development education) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Latvia. There was special focus on involving educationalists of Latvia in this process.

Main activities are:

  • Offering accessible high quality professional development programs, consultations and other types of support using the existing intellectual and technical capacity of the centre and its associated partners to educators in Latvia.
  • Providing professional development opportunities for teachers, school administrators and other specialists working in all levels of schooling.
  • Developing curriculum, programs and teaching materials for many key audiences.
    Developing and implementing projects, especially in the areas of civic education, bilingual education, intercultural teaching methodology, critical thinking, etc.
  • Organizing conferences, study visits and other events bringing together professionals and decision makers in the field of education
    Publishing methodological materials, textbooks, disseminating information, providing facilities of the resource and training center with the library and internet access.

EDC activities are targeted to contribute to strengthening of

  • Educated society consisting of confident individuals capable to use their knowledge and skills for active participation and personal growth
  • Inclusive society appreciating diversity and promoting social cohesion
  • Learning society in which the development is based on constant acquiring of knowledge and skills in multiple ways in formal, non-formal and informal settings

The target group of EDC activities is the education specialists, employees of state and municipal institutions, specialists from different professional fields, representatives of non-governmental organizations, the active population of local communities, school youth, and the socially marginalized groups

As a result of its activities EDC has established the network of more than 80 schools, preschools and seven pedagogical universities. EDC network of schools has grown into a powerful resource, example of excellence and support for educators in the whole country greatly influencing the education policy from grass roots level to decision makers on the issues of multicultural education, civic education and inclusive education in Latvia.